Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Canadian author Lorrie Bell Hawkins wins five awards at Cat Writers’ Association annual conference in New York

White Plains, New York — Canadian author Lorrie Bell Hawkins took home 5 awards Saturday evening at the Cat Writers Association's 17th annual awards banquet for her book Jolicure Cats. Two Certificates of Excellence and Muse Medallions were awarded to Bell Hawkins in the categories of memoir and illustration. In addition, the book received the coveted Kuykendall Image Award for illustration, graphics and design.

Jolicure Cats was first released in the fall of 2009 by Percheron Press of Dieppe, New Brunswick, Canada. It was produced and distributed by Goose Lane Editions of Fredericton, New Brunswick.

The book tells the stories of 14 family cats — all but one with a connection to Jolicure, New Brunswick, a small farming community on the Tantramar Marsh close to Sackville. It features reproductions of original oil paintings by the much-celebrated American illustrator and muralist, Dwight Kirkland of Mifflintown, Pennsylvania.

The portraits were specially commissioned by the author and each is based on a visual montage created by Lorrie Bell Hawkins herself who conceived of the project and acted as its overall creative director.

"I had a very clear idea of how I wanted the book and illustrations to look. So, sometime in 2007 I went on a global search for just the right illustrator for the Jolicure Cats stories she said . "I received submissions from over 40 truly outstanding artists. It was really challenging to make a final selection, they were all so talented. But, Dwight's work was compelling to me and we seemed to have a good creative and artistic rapport. I just knew that we would work well together so he was my choice."

“When I received his finished oil portraits of my cats, I was overwhelmed. They were all so beautiful, just as I remembered each of them and he had captured their unique personalities.

“I'm thrilled and honoured to receive these awards and I know that Dwight is too. It was a true collaboration. Really, we both created the book, along with Goose Lane’s art director and designer, Julie Scriver who also played a very important role.

“I am deeply grateful to both of them and to the Cat Writers Association which does so much to encourage authors to write on a wide variety of topics of interest to cat and animal lovers. There are those who specialize in cat care, cat rescue, veterinary services, nutrition, training and handling, breeding, and showing, while others write cat-themed novels, memoirs, short stories, poetry and more.”

Jolicure Cats is available at bookstores throughout Canada and through online retailers such as Chapters Indigo, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Percheron Press Canada was founded in the early 1980s and continues to be dedicated to helping emerging writers get published. Over the years various books on a variety of subjects - local history, poetry, cooking, personal reflections - and authored by interesting and talented writers saw their way into print as the little press quietly met its mission

Goose Lane Editions is Canada’s oldest independent publisher. Based in Fredericton, New Brunswick, it specializes in the publication of contemporary literary fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. The company also provides book packaging and custom publishing services to trade and institutional publishers.

The Cat Writer’s Association, Inc. (CWA) is an international association of professional communicators who provide to the general public and to specialized audiences news, information, education and works of literary and graphic art that help describe, dramatize, explain and illuminate the myriad aspects of felines, especially domestic cats, and their place in human life and culture. CWA members promote the best interests of all cats through a variety of media and formats, including newspapers, magazines, radio, television, web sites, blogs, public relations and publicity, photojournalism, illustration, fine arts, photography, video, podcasts, speech, technical writing and more. Members strive always to observe and promote the highest standard of ethics in the generation and publication of cat information in all genres and media.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Endleaf of Jolicure Cats

Many people have asked me about the painting used on the endleaf of Jolicure Cats. It is actually a slice from a larger painting of me and my first horse, Mammy. It was done by my cousin, Barbara Safran, sometime in the early seventies. The painting is called "July in Jolicure".

The field was across the street from the farm where I lived with my parents. In the background you can see some cows, a couple of marsh barns and the Pointe-de-Bute ridge. I believe this field, is actually the Jolicure cemetery, but at the time it was in a state of total disrepair.

Barbara still paints and her work can be seen on her website at: www.safranstudios.com

Friday, May 28, 2010

The American Cat Fanciers Association - Championship & Household Pet Cat Show, will be held in Fredericton, New Brunswick, at the Capital Exhibit Centre on Saturday & Sunday, June 19 & 20. The Benefit Organization is ca-r-ma cat rescue. Last years one-day only show brought in over 3000 spectators!

This is a fun event that not only celebrates cats but also provides awareness about cat welfare and responsible cat ownership.

I will have a booth at the trade show, with "Jolicure Cats". A portion of book sale proceeds will go to to ca-r-ma.

Unfortunately, Minou will have to stay home... but I think she would steal the show for sweetness!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Florenceville students receive "Jolicure Cats"!

One of the highlights of the fall book tour of Jolicure Cats, was a visit to Florenceville, New Brunswick, where in the beautiful Andrew & Laura McCain Library, I read to Ms. Debbie Brown’s grade seven/eight Language Arts class. They were such an attentive group and had some great questions after the reading. I proposed that anyone so inclined, write a story, or poem about a cat (or any pet), that had made a difference in his/her life and send it to me - I would choose one, and the author would receive a copy of Jolicure Cats. Shortly before Christmas I received the following seven poems.

They are written with humour, with love, with grief … heartfelt in every way. It was clear to me that each author was a “winner” – for more than anything, by simply sitting down and writing that first word. Recently the students were presented their books at an assembly … and have given me permission to publish their poems here. They are as they were written, with maybe one or two minor spelling corrections…

My Cat Marble
by Alexandra Green

My cat Marble,
she is no marvel,
she is scared of fleas,
and green peas,
but I don’t really know why.

She is my cat,
the most unlikely mat,
of fur,
who likes to purr.

Sleeping in the Night
Brittany Demerchant

Getting ready for bed
I put on my pajamas
And waiting for me is my
She knows when it is bedtime!
Then she starts to “Meow”.

As I get into my bed
I pull the blankets up to my face
And I fall asleep!

While I am sleeping during the night
I wake up and as I try to roll over I can’t
Move my legs!
My cat is lying on my feet.
It feels like a brick but in real life she is only
A 7 pound cat!

The Mouse’s Worst Enemy
by Olivia Tingley

I watch him
seek his prey.
In ready position
his eyes switch directions…

What could he have seen?
Then I see it.
The mouse is scurrying.

But it simply can not beat
my cat’s

Twin Trouble Makers
by Morgan Myshrall

No sleep all play that’s their motto
breaking things is their game
“I don’t sleep”
“you don’t either”
is what they want
they make me mad
but you can’t be mad
at the cutest

by Megan Groves

and full of love!
Your days
in your favourite spot
brought happiness to us.
I would smile
every time you would suck
on our ears.
Now your spot
lies empty
at night.
The loud
purr in my ear is no longer
I miss you!
I still can’t forget
the day I only thought you
went for a check-up
but now you are in a better place!
I won’t say good-bye;
instead I’ll say I can’t wait to see you
at rainbow bridge!
PS: I love you Whiskers. You are my cat!

My Wild Animal
by Tanner Colpitts

My kitten is a crazy cat
I swear it’s true
if he could chew
he climbs up my legs
if he weren’t so cute he’d be gone

My kitten is a crazy cat
I swear it’s true
when I hope he’s done for now
he’ll get up and attack

My kitten is a crazy cat
I swear it’s true
he’s a monster at play
but I love him anyway

by Cameron MacIntyre

In the morning I wake up to find
a cat, my cat
at the bottom of my bed.
He lays there with me
all night long
he may come and go but I will never know.
During the day he runs with his sister
Princess is her name
they like to play and fight in the night
but to me it’s all the same.
When I get home
he rushes to the door
I miss him all day
and he misses me more.